Friday, January 9, 2009

Extra Credit Opportunity

We have several activities currently going on in class, so therefore this activity is strictly extra credit only. If you would like to participate in the contest, please read below.

Who May Enter: The contest is open to students in grades 5, 8, and 12 in all Duval County public schools.

“If you could speak with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., what would you say to him to describe how society has changed since his I have a Dream Speech”

What do you win????
*Recite their essay at the Willie Gary/Martin Luther King Luncheon in January 2009 (location and date to be determined).
*Participate in an all expense paid one-day trip to the King Center in Atlanta, Georgia
*Receive two tickets to WEG/MLK Luncheon for family
*Permission forms for the trip must be signed by a parent/guardian
*Students may be accompanied by a parent/guardian on trip to Atlanta. (Expenses for ONE parent/guardian will be paid by organization) Please note, if the parent/guardian and student do not participate in the trip once the tickets have been purchased, they will be responsible to reimburse the Willie Gary Classic for the cost of the two airline tickets.

Willie Gary/Martin Luther King Essay Contest
Contest Information

This contest is an annual contest to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It will be in conjunction with the Willie Gary/Martin Luther King Luncheon.
The purpose of this essay contest is multi-fold, it provides students an opportunity to learn about Dr. King’s message and why we celebrate him; it gives students a chance to reflect and express creativity; it challenges them to achieve. Though every student won’t receive a prize, they are winners in that this teaches them to strive for excellence.

The essay theme is “If you could speak with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., what would you say to him to describe how society has changed since his I have a Dream Speech”
Students should express in 400 words or less.

~~In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream that one day all the people of America would be able to stand together, holding hands and singing. That we would all be able to overcome our differences and live harmoniously, without incidence or prejudice. King also encouraged us to think and act differently. His dream, and as a result our lives today are a testament that dreams can and do come true. This essay contest encourages students to recall and express their dreams, while creating an active document to use as a goal guide when reaching those dreams~~

Suggested Reading
I Have A Dream (1963)

Essay Format
Maximum 400 words
Typed is preferred with multiple pages stapled, not paper-clipped, but handwritten essays will be accepted
Student name, age, grade, school, teacher name, and principal should be clearly written on back of the last page of essay

DUE TO MRS. LAMMI BY WEDS. January 14th!!!!

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