Friday, March 20, 2009


March 20th- 4H Community Service Activity
March 23rd- Power Unlimited Show
March 24th- A National Holiday- YUMMYYYYYY!!!
March 25th- Early Release Day
March 26th- March Book Log CHeck (A response is due)
March 27th- No School
March 30-April 5th- Spring Break (yes, you have an assignment!)
April 6th- Last day to prepay for 5th Grade Formal
April 7th- Storyteller comes to Sheffield (assembly)
April 8th- 4H Agriculture Day (morning only)
April 9th- 5th Grade Formal (It is going to amazing!)
April 10th- No School
April 15th- Early Release Day
April 17th- Teacher's Kickball Game- Make your poster to cheer on your teachers!
April 24th- Last Day to Pay for Islands of Adventure Trip
April 24th- Career Day at Sheffield Elementary
April 28th- April Book Log Check (May 1st at 8:25 a.m. will be the last opportunity to meet your book goal for the Reading Celebration)
May 1st- Reading Celebration (Everyone who meets their goal of 25 books, gets a shirt!)
May 4th- Marine Science Center (Bring a decorated jug for the contest) (CHAPERONES ARE NOT NEEDED FOR THIS FIELD TRIP)
May 12th- End of the Year Trip to Islands of Adventure (CHAPERONES NEEDED)
May 25th- No School
June 4th - Fifth Grade Farewell (Yes, I will cry)
June 5th - Last Day of School ( Yes, I will cry so more)

There are still a few things that are still in the planning stages, but this is a majority of upcoming important dates!

Hope this helps!

Response to Literature Outline

A response is due for the March Book Log Check on March 26th. Here is the outline that we have been using in class.

Paragraph 1-
Engaging beginning
Summary including specific details

Paragraph 2-
Favorite part of the text
Explain why it is your favorite part
Author's purpose
Message or lesson of the story

Paragraph 3-
Explanation of connection
Explanation of recommendation and to what audience

Friday, March 6, 2009

We have spirit!

We have spirit! Yes we do!

We have spirit! How about you!

Mrs. Lammi's and Mrs. Schermann's classes won the Spirit Stick today at the FCAT Pep Rally!

Here's a few of us showing our pride!

National Name Tag Day

National Name Tag day was a hit! Almost all of the students brought in their nametag that described them! They were totally awesome and showed some definite creativity! Way to go guys!


We will be taking the FCAT starting next week! Below is the schedule of testing.

Tuesday, March 10th - Mathematics (80 minutes)
Wednesday, March 11th- Mathematics (80 minutes)
Thursday, March 12th- Reading 2 tests (60 minutes each)
Monday, March 16th- Science (60 minutes)
Tuesday, March 17th- Science (60 minutes)

Please ensure that all students are here and on time during testing.

Poster Contest!

What is is all about?

Do you know that April is Volunteer Appreciation Month for the state of Florida
the city of Jacksonville or that April 19th—25th is National Volunteer Week? Each
April, HandsOn Jacksonville honors outstanding volunteers at their annual Celebration
of Service event. As part of this salute to volunteering, HandsOn Jacksonville (
sponsoring the BE THE CHANGE...VOLUNTEER! POSTER CONTEST to educate public
about volunteering...what you and I can do to make our community better.

Poster Contest Guidelines

1. The contest is open to all Duval County Public School (DCPS) 5th graders.
2. The purpose of the contest is to educate the public about volunteering.
3. Entries should illustrate a message that communicates that volunteering changes the world
in which we live and can be done by anyone, including children, adults and the elderly.
4. Entries should not include trademark symbols, brand names, or characters (e.g. Snoopy).
5. Submissions should be no larger than 11” x 17”.
6. The original artwork must be submitted. Copies will not be accepted.
7. The deadline for entry is March 16, 2009 hand delivered or sent through school mail to:
Myra Simmons, Duval County Public Schools
1701 Prudential Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32207
email address:
8. The winning posters will be selected by The Art Center Cooperative, 2009 recipients of the
HandsOn Jacksonville Art of Caring Award. The artists of the winning posters will be notified
by March 23rd.
9. Winners will be recognized at the annual Celebration of Service event on April 2, 2009
where the most outstanding posters will be on display.
10. If you have any questions, contact Myra Simmons, 904-390-2993 at DCPS.