Thursday, August 14, 2008


Dear Parents and Students,

It is that time again! Another school year has arrived and it is sure to be an exciting, as well as memorable one. I have tons of things planned that are fun and interesting, but rigorous as well. I hope you all are up for challenges. The brain will really be doing some thinking this year! We of course take three FCATs in 5th grade. I will teach the Reading, Writing, and Spelling this year, and my wonderful partner, Mrs. Schermann, will be teaching Science, Social Studies, and Math! The FCAT tested areas for 5th grade are Math, Science, and my favorite...READING!!!!!

This will be my eighth year teaching and my 4th year at Sheffield Elementary. I absolutely love what I do. Last year, I was able to have the prestigious honor of representing Sheffield as the Teacher of the Year for 2008. After receiving this wonderful honor, I was selected as a district semi-finalist for the Teacher of the Year for Duval County. It was indeed an exciting time for myself as well as my family. My family currently consists of myself and my two four-legged babies. Tiki, who is 14 and Chloe, who is 7, definitely keep me on my toes. At the end of September, my family will increase. I will be getting married and becoming Mrs. Lammi. So to say the least, this year has been exciting for myself and I have loved every minute of it. I am so anxious to see what this school year has in store for all of us.

This website will be a place that will be a primary source of our communication this year. I will post projects, field trip information, important dates, progress reports, etc. During the first week of school, several papers will come home for you to fill out; please ensure that you return all of these documents ASAP. Your child will receive an agenda on the first day of school. This agenda will have notes recorded in it, homework, etc. It is to be signed by a PARENT/GUARDIAN every night. Students who return to class without their agenda signed, starting Thursday, will receive a card flip.

This year, your child will have a lot of personal responsibilty. Not only do I ensure they are understanding what is taught in my class and are academically ready for 6th grade, but I also make every effort to ensure that they are ready for the change and responsibilities that Middle School will bring. If at any time, you need to schedule a parent/teacher conference, please contact me at or 696-8758 ext. 167. I will do my best to get back with you in a timely manner to schedule a conference. Mrs. Schermann and I will meet with you together. Please do not request conferences on a Friday afternoon OR a Monday morning. Also, drop in conferences can not be honored. I would like to prepare information to share with you so that the conference can be both informative and insightful.

Again, I am extremely excited about our year ahead. I appreciate your support and hard work as we begin this journey together. If I can be of any assitance, my contact information is listed above.

Educationally Yours,
Ms. Herrera

1 comment:

ToRi RuLeS.blogspot said...

mrs.herrera nice blg,luvvittoria